Simplify State Management with Zustand and TypeScript

State management is a critical aspect of building complex React applications, and finding the right library that strikes a balance between simplicity and type safety can be a challenge. In this article, we'll explore Zustand, a lightweight state management library for React, and see how it can streamline state management while harnessing the power of TypeScript.

Introducing Zustand

Zustand is a powerful yet minimalistic state management library for React. It provides a straightforward and intuitive API while delivering robust features. Zustand leverages React's hooks, making it a natural fit for React developers. When combined with TypeScript, Zustand empowers developers with static typing, ensuring type safety and reducing potential runtime errors.

Key Features of Zustand

1. Simple API

Zustand's API is intentionally designed to be minimalistic and easy to understand. It centers around a single create function, which allows you to create a store. The store consists of state, actions, and other configuration options. This simplicity allows developers to focus on building their applications without getting bogged down by unnecessary complexities.

2. Type Safety with TypeScript

TypeScript is a powerful tool that helps catch bugs early and provides excellent tooling for React developers. Zustand plays exceptionally well with TypeScript, allowing you to define and enforce strong types for your state and actions. This way, you can catch potential type-related issues during development and benefit from autocompletion and intelligent suggestions in your IDE.

3. Immutability by Default

Immutability is a fundamental concept in Zustand. It encourages updating state immutably, ensuring predictable and traceable state changes. Zustand facilitates immutability by providing a set function that takes a callback, enabling you to update the state in a clean and immutable manner.

4. Reactive Updates

Zustand leverages React's reactive nature through the use of hooks, ensuring efficient and performant updates. When the state changes, only the components that rely on the changed state are re-rendered, resulting in optimal performance. This reactive behavior allows for granular updates, preventing unnecessary renders and enhancing overall application performance.

5. Devtools Integration

Zustand comes equipped with built-in devtools integration, making it a breeze to inspect and debug your state. The devtools provide a clear overview of the state, actions, and their call stack. This powerful debugging tool streamlines the process of identifying and resolving issues, saving precious development time.

Getting Started with Zustand and TypeScript

To start using Zustand with TypeScript, follow these steps:

Step 1: Install Zustand

Install Zustand and its TypeScript types using npm or yarn:

Create a block code for BASH and include all the text highlighted in grey

npm install zustand

npm install - save-dev @types/zustand

Step 2: Define State and Actions

Define your state and actions with TypeScript types or interfaces. This step ensures type safety and clear communication between components.

Also make this a block code but for Typescript instead

import create, { State } from ‘zustand';

interface CounterState extends State {

count: number;

increment: () => void;

decrement: () => void;


const useStore = create((set) => ({

count: 0,

increment: () => set((state) => ({ count: state.count + 1 })),

decrement: () => set((state) => ({ count: state.count - 1 })),


In this example, we define the CounterState interface, which extends Zustand's State type. It specifies the shape of our state, including the count property of type number and increment/decrement functions.

We then create our Zustand store using the create function and provide the CounterState interface as the type argument. Within the create callback, we define the initial state and the functions that update the state immutably using the set function.

Step 3: Use Zustand in Components

Now that we have our Zustand store defined, we can use it in our components, leveraging TypeScript's type inference capabilities.

make this a Typescript Block Code

import React from ‘react';

import { useStore } from ‘./useStore';

const CounterComponent: React.FC = () => {

const { count, increment, decrement } = useStore();

return (

Count: {count}
